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To be continued ... On the West side of Atlantic
To be continued ... On the West side of Atlantic
To be continued ... On the West side of Atlantic
4 octobre 2008

Week of 29-5

Week of 29-5
- Weigh (important) : 120 FUCK Ok Mybe its because I started the swim practice and maybe I already got new muscles XD ( 54.431kg) No cookies, no pizza, no burger ANYMORE - The hardest work: Play in a polygamy case in History … - The funniest word: Dude...
26 octobre 2008


The theater The front of the theater ( so american I love =P )A really nice house Some ashland's Beauties obviously Kayla and I in Starbucks :ME " - okay, I'll take the chocolate signature "The cashier " - You'll love it, I promise "Me " - Kayla, he made...
6 novembre 2008

My pants are tight, I'm gonna comit a suicide

My pants are tight, I'm gonna comit a suicide
the exciting thing for today : I'm going to paint my papier-mache mask in art ...The exciting thing for the end of the week : read the 5 first chapters of the Scarlett Letter BOUHOUDO they really have to make english so complicated ? there are about 5...
5 octobre 2009

Moi je dis, vivement Noel !

Moi je dis, vivement Noel !
Alors, C'est parce que j'en ai ENFIN fini avec mes revisions de Botanique que je me suis dis qu'il fallait que j'ouvre mon PC pour vous le raconter. C'est vraiment bien cest vraiment tres interressant la botanique, mais le professeur a la sale habitude...
17 avril 2009

Competing for spanish, oh yeaah

Competing for spanish, oh yeaah
Foreign Language Festival slated for April 16 Nearly 950 students are expected to participate in Morehead State University's Regional Foreign Language Festival on Thursday, April 16. The students will represent 14 senior high schools and two middle schools...
21 mai 2009

Last meeting of the year " re-introduction to your culture" ...

Last meeting of the year " re-introduction to your culture" ...
To resume : do not fart and burp in europe ...We went to eat to golden Coral, it's okay. Received awards because we are cute and got really boredBut that was with two of my favorite people so I guess it is okay !Photos :
22 mai 2009

Foreign Language Festival, IM STATE CHAMPION !!!

Foreign Language Festival, IM STATE CHAMPION !!!
2009 State Festival Results KWLA is proud to announce the results of the 2009 KWLA State Festival. Over 1,500 students participated on Saturday, May 15 at the University of Kentucky. Congratulations to all who participated! WOOOOHHOOOO =D Kentucky's state...
10 novembre 2009

You look up to the sky, you long for something more.

You look up to the sky, you long for something more.
Bon ... Moi j'en ai marre jen peux plus, j'ai fais des photos pour vous montrer comme il fait beau et puis des Ecureuils pour Léa, ils sont trroopp mignoons cutiiieee et un autre M'enfin , j'arrive pas a travailler, j'ai trop de choses a faire, je suis...
15 novembre 2009

Nooon ne saute paaas !

Nooon ne saute paaas !
Moment fort du jour aha Pauvre choupinet Festival des Sciences et génie : Le but est de ramener le plus de point a sa faculté et le moyen maitre pour cela est la consomation d'alcool AHEM un verre d'alcool va pour deux points, que l'on glisse dans la...
25 août 2008

Integration en progression

Integration en progression
Hey tout le monde ! Comment allez vous ?Je suis bien guerie est remise du coup de blues qui allait avec la maladie, A l'ecole tout se passe excellement bien mis a part les sciences ( beaucoup de vocabulaire ) et L'anglais jai du mal a develloper mes idees...
9 mars 2009


French people are going back to school on mondy after holliday, well don't complain to much ! I didn't get a break yet, mine is on march 27th (FLORIDAAA)But good luck though, It's likle ive been in holliday for 7 months here =P French school is a pain....
23 octobre 2008

It's not over yet !

It's not over yet !
Yepa, hmm We are watching a movie in history yahooo it means : nothing in history for three days.hmmm, we had a conference about the art institutes in Art class and that was awesome, the kind of universtity which could make me stay here lol If there were...
25 octobre 2008

I hate weekends ... This is what makes me fat : lunch=pizza souper=pizza breakfast=pizza

I hate weekends ... This is what makes me fat : lunch=pizza  souper=pizza breakfast=pizza
Hola !I got my report card, and I got only A's !!!! hihi My rank is 2/242 YihaaaWe did a scary movie party yesterday night at Marlis' house, it was good, I ate Ice cream, I like Ice creamWe saw " the strangers ", " the Amityville horror " ( for the fifth...
7 janvier 2009

January, Wednesday the 7th

January, Wednesday the 7th
Oh man that's so hard to wake up at 5.00am... Especially when you find out that nobody is at the swimming pool this morning and so you could sleep til 7h30 instead. And when everybody is here to remenber you why you are up so early " what are you doing...
21 janvier 2009

Today's lesson: Swimming

Today's lesson: Swimming
I got approved so I'm back in the Ashland tomcat Pool yihaaa, don't have to wake up in the morning, swimming in the suffocating YMCA's pool. So! I was about dying today, we did 3.5 km ( and I'm still out of shape! ) and went to puke (YAY) I was feeling...
3 février 2009

Groundhog DAY TODAY =D

Groundhog DAY TODAY =D
PUNXSUTAWNEY, Pa. – Thousands of revelers, some buoyed by the Super Bowl victory by the Pittsburgh Steelers, are waiting for Punxsutawney Phil to make his annual Groundhog Day appearance in western Pennsylvania. The animal's handlers are expected to announce...
14 juin 2009

Taking the plane and Graduation

Taking the plane and Graduation
Lisa, a finish sts exchange student I met on my way back while waiting 8hours for the plane ... THE plane, individual touch screen, dinner, breakfast, blankets, socks everything to make you flight an amazing experience that ... you'll never get to know...
29 mai 2009

Three amazing Men, and two new entries in my top ten "men of my life"

Three amazing Men, and two new entries in my top ten "men of my life"
End of the year, Track Banquet and Awards, thank you so much for this experience. Mr.Stepp (english teacher, Track coach and new entry in my top 10), Mr Klosterman ( Math teacher, Track coach, didnt get to know him a lot), Mr Graham (Anatomy and phisiology...
28 août 2009

Welcome to Quebec

Welcome to Quebec
Mon pavillon Bonjour ! Etant donne que je suis bien arrivee et a peu pres stable sur le plan emotionel je m'etais dis qu'une pose blog s'imposait>Je vous joins une video de ma chambre, ainsi que des douches pour que vous puissiez me situer dans mon environnement...
9 septembre 2009

JE l'ai eu ce foutu balais !

JE l'ai eu ce foutu balais !
Apres Avoir ronchonne toute la journee d'avoir oublie d'acheter un balais, d'arriver trop tard pour la location d'aspirateur et les blagues moqueuses de Katia a se sujet " Peut etre que si tu vas aux pizzas gratuites et que tu montres tes cuisses on t'offrira...
27 juillet 2008

I feel .... Je me sens .... COMMENT DIRE

I feel .... Je me sens .... COMMENT DIRE
Ça y est la grand aventure est terminée, un camp scout mouvementé, pour le moins crevant mais pas déplaisant pour finir. J'ai roulé toute seule comme une grande le Samedi 26 Juillet 2008 avec mon A je suis passée prendre l'idiot pour que je puisse ensuite...
7 août 2008


Hi Guys! non je rigole premier article en francais hehehe ha tiens je ne peux pas mettre d'accent pendant dix mois !!! Sinon, me voila dans le kentucky dans la johnson family et avec un jour de retard because j'ai loupe le troisieme avion avec mes deux...
6 septembre 2008

first Week without talking to you, I miss you Plus d'un an !

first Week without talking to you, I miss you     Plus d'un an !
Petite mise en bouche Well, I explain :Im not allowed to be online during the week , and Im limited now on the weekend ....because of my stupid foreign exchange's responsible, she thinks I have too forget ll my french family and friends for one year !...
14 octobre 2008

What about Obama's Speech ?

What about Obama's Speech ?
Heyyyy people What's up ( quoi d'neuf voyons Mamie =P )Friday was Fall break, We are now Monday the 13th ! HAppy birthday my PRS, I'm late but I thought of you, Happy Birthday PAPA DAMOUR, Happy birthday Gaetan and Happy birthday a little bit early Matthieuuu...
29 octobre 2008

I do HATE narrow-minded people f****

I do HATE narrow-minded people f****
I really do Hey people, I went trick or treating for halloween ... ( Yes Im eighteen) and that's not that much different from France.I went as A pregnant woman, and Kayla was my husband ( pretty scary huh ? )We went with Lena, ginger, Mini and Aimee....
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