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To be continued ... On the West side of Atlantic
To be continued ... On the West side of Atlantic
To be continued ... On the West side of Atlantic
14 octobre 2008

What about Obama's Speech ?

Heyyyy people What's up ( quoi d'neuf voyons Mamie =P )
Friday was Fall break, We are now Monday the 13th ! HAppy birthday my PRS, I'm late but I thought of you, Happy Birthday PAPA DAMOUR, Happy birthday Gaetan and Happy birthday a little bit early Matthieuuu Cousin cheri damour.
Ok, Now let's take a look of this last week

  1. Weigh : 118.2 YIHAA ( enfion ca depend de l'etat de la balance )
  2. Best thing : Obama's speech, Abdominal muscles looking goooood =D
  3. Funniest thing : " your Mom " cf Jeff, The drunk guy at obama's speech
  4. Funniest word : poop nuggets and Muffin top ( love handles )
  5. Nickname: silly french
  6. Best sentence : Your mom
  7. Worst sentence : " Err, I didn't get it "
  8. Best grade : 100 Art, 100/100 Spanish
  9. Worst grade : English test on the crucible, I lamentably Failed
  10. Anecdotes : I finished my second novel New moon in english =D We went camping, I met a European with such a cute story, Graham test " How is called a membrane which allow certain particles to pass through and not other ones :

a) racist membrane b)selective membrane c) semi-permeable membrane d) both b and c e) Mean " lol

So, Obama's speech was pretty amazing, the only one thing I hated was that we had to pray before he came. That's so awful what about people who aren't catholic ? and It's politic, come on ! what religious prayers are doing in political debate ? I really don't understand. BUT that was amazing because it was like I saw on TV in france, I bought a Tshirth with Obama and Beiden's Faces on it, and we had little " pancartes " to wave in the air, thats so great, I kept one of these.
What else ... hm I don't really know, I was thinking of many things to add but .. I forgot all of them huhu Too bad.
Have a good night people, It's fall break so See you soon.

PA090244Jeff, Kayla and I

Thank you so much for taking us

Thanks your mom for uusss

Amazing night

Snipers wouhouuuu


And Obamaaa PA090285

And I understood all ! =P what about you ?

hnnn :O<br /> T'as vu Obama<br /> Rohlala je t'envie à un point<br /> J'adore cet homme j'te jure ^^ j'tenais trop avec<br /> Et ya gagné, que du bonheur :D
It would have been a super moment. Your friend and his mom are very kind to make you live this great moment.<br /> Les américains savent rendre attractif ce qui chez nous est rébarbatif.
fabulous experience!ça a dû être extraordinaire de vivre ça "en vrai"!Encore un bon souvenir à engranger.C'est tellement gentil à la maman de Jeff de vous avoir emmené.<br /> Tu as repiqué un peu d'allergie avec les cheveaux pendant le w-e ?!Pas seulement avec eux peut-être?!! bzzz