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To be continued ... On the West side of Atlantic
To be continued ... On the West side of Atlantic
To be continued ... On the West side of Atlantic
10 décembre 2008

Lunch time sometimes means Computer time

With nothing to say, oh nevermind : I don't like Bretzel
Today after school Rehearsal 4.30 to 5.30, Yuki comes home after school with me and we'll go to rehearsal together.
I'm still coughing, it's going to be great =(
Thank you Maman et Papa for the package =D I'm so excited everytime I receive something.
Ho and Now I have a facebook for the ones who asked me so many times after asking me if I knew what was a computer ... >_<
Huhu, stereotypes about French and France : ( have fun =D )
Well, if people from here read that, no offense ! I love thoses questions and I'm so happy everytime to answer your questions
I love it, it is so cute.

- French don't shave
- We all wear Beret
- all Men have a moustache
- We don't have computer
- We live in a forest in little wood house XD
- Paris is the only Town
- My parents speak to me in english
- "So .... Can you speak french ? "

hello ma grande!Je vois que les stéréotypes nous concernant sont tous les mêmes et partout dans le monde en plus!!!!!Va falloir t'envoyer des photos d'autres grandes villes pour que tu leur ouvres leur horizon!!!Dis donc,la tête de mr Sauvage s'il savait qu'il te manque!!!!mdr Tes chants de NoËl sont très beaux et j'aimerais tellement t'entendre chanter!Surtout achète du sirop(ça doit exister quand même!Idée répendue ici:on ne se soigne pas aux usa!)big bisous fraçais