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To be continued ... On the West side of Atlantic
To be continued ... On the West side of Atlantic
To be continued ... On the West side of Atlantic
8 octobre 2008

En direct live de Paul G blazer High school

Ok, Im dead, after 2 miles swimming from 5.30am to 7.00am, TORTURE
But my breakfast was good and make me forget about my dead muscles.
Friday is the end of the first Quarter and FALL BREAK, It can sound weird but I'm not that happy. School keep my mind busy and this what I like. Fall break is going to be ... Long.
I hate my locker. Im maybe the oldest person in this High school but Im the shortest too .. AND my locker is the highest one... Every days I'm fighting with my stupid swim bag to put it in there, It takes me like 7 minutes before to succeed.
7 minutes before the bell ring, I should mabe go and begin to work on my locker ...But no. I have to study for my anatomy test too but ... Too lazy, my brain is as dead as my muscles.
What's going on in France ?
I don't know what is happening, what people are doing, What Sarkozi is doing..
The only news I have here is that is going to rain today and tomorrow...
On the news on TV you have only news about the weather, kentucky, west virginia, Ohio, Obama and Mc Cain. Nothing about the rest of the world.
Oh yes, Im probably going to see Obama's speech tomorrow afternoon in Ohio =D I'm kind of ashamed because I'll maybe see the future president of the united states and I never saw one of the french Presidents ...
My grade for the quarter in US history is 97.50... too bad, uh ? lol ...
Okay I have water in my ears and it is really beginning to bother me.
Its freezing outside. ( I know this is kind of non-interesting sentence but I'm in lack of inspiration)
I'll try to put Homecoming photos as soon as I can, No doubt on it, this is really american.
And not really my kind of stuff, it was cool at the beginning because it was new for me but after ...
The most important is that I had a good time ( EATING ) and that the boys pay all for us =D Mouhahaha
The bell ring, See you

coucou ma puce,quelle bonne surprise quand j'ai découvert ton com hier après-midi!je ne pouvais te laisser de message tout de suite car je partais pour notre réunion mensuelle "d'anciens combattants"!!!mdr ,avec les copines.mais j'ai averti tout de suite Véro par sms et je vois qu'elle t'a déja donné qq nouvelles de France.Je vais t'en envoyer d'autres par mail.Pour les meetings politiques français pas de honte à les avoir ratés!Y a même pas de spectacle!!!je pense que tu vas vivre une expérience interessante.énormes bisous! PS:tu ne peux pas échanger ton casier avec un"giant"?!
you are my sunshine everyday. <br /> Here Sarko try to resolve the economic crises with germany, UK and Italy. Wall street shut down very deep and other places (Paris, Asia...) in the world too. Banks meet great difficulties. All that is linked to the subprimes crises in USA which supposed occidental banks increase their credit rates so many companies can't obtain credit and they resell their titles for money to continue their activities. It's hard to understand isn't it ?<br /> With this economic crises, the most serious for a long time, Barack have a better chance to become president. For the american people MacCain's party is responsible of this crises<br /> Sarko creates a new tax on each month for all and nothing.<br /> For this week end we should have a good weather not very hot but after all this rain it's better<br /> <br /> Big kisses to you